keskiviikko 27. heinäkuuta 2011


Name: Jariq
Gender: Male
Orientation: Doubting.
Birthday: Uncertain. In Engel month(?).
Eyes: Mud brown with yellow sun rings.
Hair: Brown like fallen leaves.

History: The reason behind creating the AlphaProject was, cruelly, nothing but a pride and curiousity of human alcemists who were wonderin how long they could go with controlled alchemic mutilation.
This led to a creation of AlphaProject.
The first mentionable result of the project was higlhy human-looking, but less so acting male, who later on started to call himself 'Jariq'.
He was (and still is) very much confused of his existence, not being sure if he ever was a human before the tests or if he was created all the way with alchemic mutilation.
Being this or that, he decided he didn't want to life the rest of his (unknown lenghted) life as a test specimen, so he escaped by setting the unit on fire, escapind with the aid of panic it arised.
Later, after wandering the world alone for a few years, he encountered kid that proved he hadn't been the only one of the test subjects.

Personality: Restless, carefree looking person who often seems to merge on things head-first, but who actually has long though plan ready for anything.
Likes: Cool wearher, warm clothes, having Miho around, having something to eat, warm and dry place to sleep.
Dislikes: Feeling that he's being avoiding just a shadows, feeling of paranoia, thinking he might be insane.

Associations: Chestnut, lion, grand piano, forest swamp, water slowly dripping down from the cave's ceiling; creating speleothems, King of wands, autumn, western direction.
Balance: Yang
Title: AlphaProject

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