lauantai 16. heinäkuuta 2011


Name: Hodei
Gender: Male
Orientation: Could be doubted.
Birthday: January 3rd / 22nd of Sparrow's month
Eyes: Pale grey.
Hair: Coal black.

History: In the bright light Hodei is man who was taken in by lady Africa as a young teen. He runs her errands, and helps with business, running small repair shop for illegal guns and somewhat whatches over the lady's son, Jaan (how he qualifies to the job with his restless persona, that is a mystery to many).
In the shadows he is hitman to the Mother, "taking care" of the problems and intimidating troublesome people.

Hodei is somewhat broken inside for what the Mother has done to him, trying to ease the dullness he feels inside by pain. That is the main reason he takes part to the illegal street fights and does not really care if he wins or loses as long as he feels something.
He is very mistrusting of people, even though he doesn't show it clearly, feeling better when Jaan is beside him.

Personality: Hot head, has anger management problems, proud, greedy, sarcastic. Hodei rarely feels strong emotions beyond hate, pain and lust, which has made him very nihilistic.
Likes: Causing pain, being hurt, fighting, cheap alcohol, sunsets, street fights, mechanics, Jaan.
Dislikes: Feeling dull, people who don't fight back, killing, being hit on, feeling uncertain.

Associations: Elements of metal and earth, northwest direction, autumn, grapefruit, cactus flower, thick fog.
Balance: Yin
Title: Gasoline.

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