torstai 31. maaliskuuta 2011


King of Dreams
Lord of Lies
Betrayer of Heart
Weaver of Night

Name: Il 
Old geezer

Long time ago

 Burning sunset orange with black sclera or pale blue with darker blue pupil,depending on who is in charge. Sometimes one of each simultaneously.
Hair: Long, white, loose curls. 

History:  Il might or might not own a small shop in shadier streets of Nowhere. This shop is one of those which no one ever notices until they need it, or maybe one of those that you notice one day, but have no time to examine that moment, and when you come back later, you can’t find it anywhere, even as you could have sworn it was right here...
 Ïl is a weaver of finest kind, with refined skills and eye for details, and for a right price they can make your wildest dreams come true.
Despite of being weaving mill, the shop is full of exotic reptiles and snakes and air in there is full of spicy and rare incenses. 
 Il themselves refer to self as “we” and it seems there is two more or less individual personas entangled together. They do seem to be able to tell each other apart – if they bother...
They have fosterchild in their care, who they seem to tolerate better than other people in general.

Personality: Bad. Sarcastic, egoistic, sly and mischievous. Proud, intelligent tactician. Greedy for any kind of profit
Slowly decaying flowers, especially white lilies and roses, hermit, spicy incenses, dreams, ray of afternoon sun warming up one spot in dusty room, the center direction

Likes: Reptiles, snakes, fine cloth and jewelry, good tea, warmth, mind games, power games, playing against the odds, dusk and dawn, Medame (albino boa), dancing, having power over someone, being obsessed over.
Chains, being ruled over, bright light, when things don’t go their way (hardly never happens); people who try back out from the contract, cold, too much work, rush, hurry loud and sudden noises.

Title: White hermit, Weaver of dreams.

keskiviikko 30. maaliskuuta 2011

In the beginning...

In the beginning there was nought but the Universe and she was all that be.
But in her endless dreams she felt lonely and so the forth she brought the water bird. And the water bird was her companion for the endless dreams and it delighted her.
In her delight she bore children, born from the whim of her mind and they, too, became her companions in her endless dreams.
In a time -or another- the waterbird laid an egg and one of the children took an interest in it, for it was beautiful egg; light blue and spotted; its shell smooth and cool.
And the endless dreams passed.
The child who held the egg dropped it. And it hit the hard edge of the endless dreams and broke; its essence spalttered and broken.
The child took apart the yolk and the albumen and laid them carefully on the weave of the endless dream. And the child cried for the lost of the egg and the tears got mixed up in the albumen;
the world of Talais was born.